Salaam Everyone,
As you all know, the outbreak of the Corona virus has effected the lives of everyone around the world. It is with a heavy heart that we announce the cancellation of all masjid related activities until further notice. The UofSC MSA Fundraising Benefit is cancelled as well due to the university's decision of shutting down all face-to-face interactions for the remainder of the semester. We ask that you keep everyone in your prayers during these uncertain times. Please be mindful of what you say and think regarding this situation, just because you may think this virus isn't "serious" or that the symptoms won't affect you, there are other people that can be severely impacted instead. Self quarantine is not only for the safety of yourself, but for the safety of others as well... especially for those who are more susceptible to contracting the virus. Practice good hygiene, pray regularly (as always), and please don't contribute to the hysteria of buying everything from the grocery stores.
May Allah keep us safe, Ameen!!